Knowing you have a regular source of income to pay for your essential needs gives you some hope when you can’t work because of life-altering health problems.
Social Security Disability benefits provide that kind of relief.
But first you go through a lot just to get those benefits. A lot of filling out forms. A lot of sending in paperwork. And even then, most people are denied.
At Mathis & Mathis Disability Advocates, our job is to make the process easier for you.
You can turn your case over to us, and we’ll get you through all the rules and steps. We know what to do because we’ve done this thousands of times.
We help people in Washington, DC, Baltimore, Alexandria and Northern Virginia, or anywhere in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania—and all around America.
Keep reading for more on what you need to win benefits—and a greater sense of peace in a difficult time.
Social Security Disability Is All We Do.
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